Norton Folgate, Spitalfields





Burrell Foley Fischer were commissioned by the Spitalfields Trust to prepare an alternative proposal, to that proposed by a commercial developer, to restore and complete Norton Folgate.

Commenting on the developers proposals John Burrell said,

“This is what a large-scale profit-driven development does to an area that has regenerated and survived over centuries without a ‘grand plan”: 72% of buildings marking up the conservation area of Spitalfields above street level will be demolished; 88% of the site will become a new concrete basement for service equipment, bike showers and stores; the basement excavation will be up to 8m deep and will extend under the historic roadway of Blossom Street at its northern end adjoining the enclosing walls to the railway cutting.

The few remaining buildings and their external walls (fewer windows) will only be partly salvaged and will be left, shored-up temporarily, in an area of devastation. The rear walls of buildings on Norton Folgate and Shoreditch High Street will be demolished and the interiors gutted and replanned.”

BFF’s alternative vision consists of a quantum of buildings needed (not buildings 11 or 13 storeys high), infill in-scale buildings, traditional or contemporary style; new buildings that reflect and respect indigenous local styles, e.g. warehouses or ordered brick façades; discreet additions to existing buildings to improve, update and enhance them.

Future development could be carried out incrementally on individual sites seen as part of the whole Norton Folgate ensemble, with individual buildings of individual styles. Changes of use are accommodated within a collection of buildings which are flexible and accept change. The completed ensemble of buildings conserves and enriches the area with new additions harmoniously integrated.

A video tour of the area by Architectural Historian and Local Resident Dan Cruickshank can be seen on Youtube.